
Home Resource Tips for Pleasing Your Cat

It’s important to know where to place your cat’s resources around the house to make them happier and relax. Ensure cats have adequate resources. The rule with cats is N+1 where N is the number of cats in the house. If you have 2 cats, you need 3 sets of resources, if you have 3 cats you need 4 sets, etc.

Sleeping areas/Hiding Place
It’s important for cats to have a place to hide, sleep and watch the world go by. Remember, cats generally feel more comfortable up high; think about where they usually like to hide and where they feel comfortable.

Cats prefer not to eat together, ensure food bowls are in different places around the house. 

Litter trays

Ensure these are somewhere quiet, private and preferably not right next to a glass door where others can see in. 


If you have more than one cat, cats prefer their water bowls to be away from their food, don’t place them next to each other. 

Scratching posts

Scratching is important to help cats stretch, condition claws and communicate territory boundaries. Scratching posts should therefore always be by entry or exit points. Each post should be taller than the cat stretched out and have vertical patterns like the bark on a tree. Cats prefer these to posts with spiral patterns.


It’s important all the cats have plenty of toys to mimic their natural hunting behaviours. Cats like their prey to move, join in with your cat to encourage them to play. This helps to keep your cat active and promotes instinctive hunting behaviour. 

Give them Zylkene

Zylkene contains a natural milk protein that can help your cat cope with changes in their life.